Wednesday, December 9, 2015

362 Final Photos 

Scroll down if you want to see the greenhouse/house I 3D modeled for Miles' class, its the one talked about in the critical making essay.

Here are some pictures, they are the same ones at the end of the essay, just another location. I could not upload this much content to moodle. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Final Project!
EMDA 353 Miles

I have designed for you....

A future plan for a house that incorporates two private sectioned greenhouses for sustainable living, an at home gym, kitchen, a bed that lifts into the ceiling via pulley.... Its just a house really, i have a lot to add but the structure is there!

Sources? Lots and LOTS of pins - Check out anything in my home ideas/gardening boards.

I abandoned my original suit idea because i couldn't have it done BEFORE i needed to start the costume for 362, some of the resin clay material takes days to dry so i had to switch ideas. 
I did still get some of the modeling done though so ill add it at the bottom.

imagine the glass is a sliding glass door

The pallets on the side are "vertical gardens"

Gravity fed watering systerm ^

Different gun model - compact version - i will shoot you images of the prototype when i finish it by Wednesday!

Futuristic spiral building apartment complex

Monday, November 9, 2015

Reflective Essay Project 2


I found myself frustrated and flustered at my inability to remember what settings are where.
My navigation and building has increased immensely however time really is your most valuable resource. There were many things that took more or less time than i anticipated. I was really upset with how long of a process texturing takes. Applying colors is very easy, but i found the UV editing window to actually be bad programming. I think that someone could easily program a much easier way to do widespread texturing without the hassle of going through the uv editor --> photoshop --> maya ---> apply file destination etc. Its just annoying in my mind, or would be for large scale projects, thank god it was only a few buildings.

Its been a long time since i was so frustrated with a program, but i am also having a lot of fun playing around. I was so ashamed of my earlier BLOCKS buildings that i redid all of them. With my familiarity improved over the last month i was able to produce much better looking buildings, and if i had more time im sure i could make them almost identical!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Project 1 Revamp + Project 2!

All projects are newly made, and done so in much faster time :P

Background Attempt
This one looks the best IMO, Lots of lighting tweaks
1 Foreground/Midground/Background Lighting Study
^tried to make some stairs

background attempt

1 Render of lit/textured interior

Halo 2 Warlock/wizard map creation with no reference image!

can you tell me why i could never get this to render that back corner correctly? i tampered a lot but i think it maya may have just glitched out on me?

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like on my screen

New Update - 

Textured the entire map you see before you - yes the rendered photo was still buggy

When i tried to render the shot, the file got corrupted and it actually deleted the map maya file itself. Can you believe that? ha?

I got a message saying they gathered info on it or something....

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Reflective Essay!

     At the beginning moving blocks and sizing them to my liking proved harder than anticipated. I thought i should start with simple buildings with mostly square edges and not a lot of complex shapes. On the first image i was simply trying to recreate a photo of a basic building with simple infrastructure. As time went on i realized how to more efficiently use duplicate and place objects using all 4 panels.

     I had some ideas at the beginning; apparently hard ones. Most would have involved more than 500 placed blocks or more looking back and after realizing how long 50 took i had to change my game plan immediately. My best one was the bridge photo, i realized i only needed to make one of the pillars on the bridge because i could then duplicate it over to the other side. As time went on i had to keep telling myself to use brain not brawn. I got too simple minded with wanting to create individual elements every time instead of saving time and duplicating.

     I decided the scene was finished when i felt the blocks represented the buildings in the photos. I am sure if i went back one week from now they would look completely different. I also realized i have a bad habit of making all the blocks too large when i should really scale them down more. All in all i really enjoyed myself and thought this learning process was fun. I think in the future i will be able to use my time much more efficiently to be more productive. I can see why game designers take short cuts that then create glitches later on. Time is valuable and you don't always want to spend 5 hours making sure all the rocks look right, its important to work swiftly and effectively.
3 Buildings with Perspective!