Monday, December 7, 2015

Final Project!
EMDA 353 Miles

I have designed for you....

A future plan for a house that incorporates two private sectioned greenhouses for sustainable living, an at home gym, kitchen, a bed that lifts into the ceiling via pulley.... Its just a house really, i have a lot to add but the structure is there!

Sources? Lots and LOTS of pins - Check out anything in my home ideas/gardening boards.

I abandoned my original suit idea because i couldn't have it done BEFORE i needed to start the costume for 362, some of the resin clay material takes days to dry so i had to switch ideas. 
I did still get some of the modeling done though so ill add it at the bottom.

imagine the glass is a sliding glass door

The pallets on the side are "vertical gardens"

Gravity fed watering systerm ^

Different gun model - compact version - i will shoot you images of the prototype when i finish it by Wednesday!

Futuristic spiral building apartment complex

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